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Tag: Volkswagen

Volkswagen’s new baby has finally arrived, welcome to the T-Roc

The tough little T-Roc is here to kick some butt. That name sounds tough and the ads on the telly featuring the little Goat would...

Bob Flavin: Underdressed but I enjoyed my time in the Beetle

In the age of disposable everything we all seem to think that the things we buy can be thrown away, something new will be...

Bob Flavin: This new Arteon is paving the way for Volkswagen

Believe it or not, the Arteon is a vitally important car for the Volkswagen group because it shows a direction in design that both...

Bob Flavin: California dreaming with Volkswagen’s camper

Holidays are an expensive business and even more so when there are kids involved. There's the pain of booking the flights and getting up...

Bob Flavin: Volkswagen Golf R – the fastest way to get...

Laois has had basically zero job creation since the last election and those that have found new employment end up on short-term contracts that...