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Tag: Summerhill

‘Encouraging’ early numbers prompt calls for extension to Portlaoise Bus Service

The new Portlaoise Bus Service has been roundly praised this week following the first month of operations in the town. The National Transport Authority (NTA)...

Four major projects set out for Portlaoise and Portarlington, including 67...

It was a busy day at Laois County Council's monthly meeting last week, with the Council outline four major projects for Portlaoise and Portarlington. The...

Calls for action to tackle ‘chronic’ traffic at Portlaoise primary schools

Anyone who works, lives or drives through Portlaoise on a daily basis knows that you avoid the Stradbally Road into the town at all...

Summerhill Lake will be protected in town plan

The lake in the Summerhill will be protected in the Portlaoise's draft local area plan. Fears were raised about what will happen to the lake...