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Tag: Public lighting

Serious concerns raised over ‘shocking speed’ as motorists pass Laois GAA...

Serious concerns have been raised about the "shocking speed" at which motorists are driving past a Laois GAA ground. The matter was brought before the...

Contractor responsible for public lighting in Laois ‘should be sacked’ local...

The contractor responsible for public lighting in County Laois "should be sacked" a local County Councillor has said. Fianna Fáil Councillor Paddy Bracken made the...

Laois village ‘left in complete darkness’ amid ‘urgent’ appeals for public...

A village in Laois "urgently needs public lighting" as the community has been left "in complete darkness." That is according to Laois TD Brian Stanley,...

Improved public lighting urgently needed at former Laois hotel before a...

Improved public lighting is urgently needed at a well-known former Laois hotel before it results in 'the tragic loss of life'. The Montague Hotel in...

ESB dubbed ‘exceptionally slow board’ as Laois Councillors say company is...

The ESB (Electricity Supply Board) have come under fire this week, with Laois County Councillors saying the company is "answerable to no one". Independent Cllr...

Public lighting under scrutiny with calls for contactors to be penalised

Public lighting in County Laois came under scrutiny again this week, this time at the April meeting of the Borris-in-Ossory-Mountmellick Municipal District. Fine Gael Cllr...

More lighting and footpaths needed around Togher to deal with ‘huge’...

The area from Junction 17 Portlaoise Plaza towards Portlaoise Rugby Club and on to Togher Woods is in urgent need of new lighting and...

Laois Councillor unhappy with County Council’s response to public lighting request

A local County Councillor has expressed his disappointment at Laois County Council's response to his request for public lighting. Cllr Conor Bergin was speaking at the...

Five days on average to fix public lighting in Portlaoise area

It has taken an average of 5.3 days to fix public lighting in the Portlaoise area from January to March 2019. The figures for the...

Rural lighting needed for people in fear of crime

Public lighting has become a major issue due to the surge in rural crime, with a new policy required to provide one-off lights according...