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Tag: Portlaoise Bus Service

‘Encouraging’ early numbers prompt calls for extension to Portlaoise Bus Service

The new Portlaoise Bus Service has been roundly praised this week following the first month of operations in the town. The National Transport Authority (NTA)...

Portlaoise Bus Service set to launch this Sunday with 42 stops...

The long-awaited Portlaoise Bus Service is set to launch this Sunday, February 23, with 42 stops along two routes. The National Transport Authority were in...

Portlaoise Bus Service expected to be delivered and operational by January...

Following significant delays and set-backs, Portlaoise Bus Service is expected to be delivered and operational by January 2025. The announcement came from Mr Paul McLoughlin,...

‘Significant milestone’ as path to Portlaoise Bus Service becomes clearer

The path is becoming clearer for the much-maligned Portlaoise Bus Service after a recent announcement by Laois County Council. Speaking at the March meeting of...

‘The traffic in Portlaoise is absolutely unreal now – it’s bumper...

Laois County Council were this week called upon by Councillors to press Minister for Transport, Eamon Ryan TD on the urgent need for the...

Hope expressed that Portlaoise bus service could be in place by...

A new bus service for the town of Portlaoise could be operational by the end of 2023, a Municipal District meeting in Laois County...