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Tag: petition

Laois school rallies to prevent deportation of family whose ‘lives would...

Close to 1,700 people have signed a petition to the new Minister for Justice asking them to stop the deportation of a family from...

Petition presented to Laois County Council demanding pedestrian crossing for rural...

Laois County Council have been presented with a petition containing over 500 signatures this week, as a rural community aims to send a strong...

Parents at Errill National School seeking Autism Supporting Diversity facility

The parents at Errill National School are campaigning for an Autism Supporting Diversity (ASD) facility, with a petition well underway. The parents say their children deserve...

Petition for full time security launched following mugging of disabled Graiguecullen...

The sister of a disabled Grauguecullen man who was robbed in a park in Carlow at the weekend has launched a petition calling for...