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Tag: meals on wheels

Cooking up a Meals on Wheels campaign for Portlaoise as plea...

A campaign is underway to revive a Meals on Wheels service in Portlaoise with a meeting planned for the parish centre, Portlaoise, on Monday,...

Lack of a Meals on Wheels service in Portlaoise described as...

The lack of a Meals on Wheels service in Portlaoise has been described as "embarrassing" as efforts continue to restore the service in the...

Local business helps raise funds for Meals on Wheels Mountmellick with...

Meals-on-wheels is a critical component in the care and service of older people, enabling them to remain living in their community or to return...

Plans in place as ‘Meals on Wheels’ service to be reintroduced...

Fine Gael Councillor Thomasina Connell says that steps are being taken to reintroduce the 'Meals on Wheels' service to Portlaoise after a year absence. "Meals...