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Tag: Laois Down Syndrome

Laois Down Syndrome harvesting new crop of shamrock ahead of St...

Laois Down Syndrome (LDS) are set to begin harvesting their new crop of shamrock tomorrow morning, Wednesday, March 5. Every year, LDS purchase skillets of...

Feasibility study being carried out on ‘Field of Dreams’ for Laois...

The 'Field of Dreams' for Laois Down Syndrome has come a step closer as Laois County Council is now carrying out a study to see...

Laois Down Syndrome receives €500 from Portlaoise supermarket

Laois Down Syndrome Association received a hugely generous donation of €500 by one Portlaoise supermarket this week. Laois Down Syndrome Association one of the hundreds...

Get your gears going for the Laois Down Syndrome Ireland Tractor...

Calling all tractor, car and vintage enthusiasts - the Laois branch of Down Syndrome Ireland are holding their annual Tractor Run on Sunday, September...

Laois Down Syndrome still seeking land donation

After one offer of land proved unsuitable for Laois Down Syndrome, the organisation is still hoping to secure a donation of land to add...