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Tag: Laois County Council

Laois County Council Initiative leases new life to old bikes with...

The Laois County Council’s Environment Department successfully organised a waste amnesty for unwanted bicycles. This was done through the Anti-Dumping Initiative with approximately 90 bikes...

Laois Councillor receives ‘positive reaction’ to request for road improvements in...

A Laois County Councillor has received a positive response to all three of his motions surrounding road improvement works. Independent Councillor Ben Brennan made the...

‘Encouraging’ early numbers prompt calls for extension to Portlaoise Bus Service

The new Portlaoise Bus Service has been roundly praised this week following the first month of operations in the town. The National Transport Authority (NTA)...

Road safety in Portlaoise under increased scrutiny following several recent ‘horrifying...

Road safety in Portlaoise is under increased scrutiny in recent weeks, following a number of tragic fatalities on the town's roads. Independent Councillor Caroline Dwane Stanley...

Call made for road safety measures in Ballylinan village as people...

People in the village of Ballylinan have been left 'uncomfortable' by the speed at which vehicles are passing through it. So says Fianna Fail Councillor...

Laois Domestic Abuse Service promped to show ‘more urgency’ in developing...

Laois Domestic Abuse Service (LDAS) have been promped to show "more urgency" in making progress on a Domestic Refuge for the county. This follows confirmation...

Process is underway for Laois County Council to take in charge...

The process is underway for Laois County Council to take in charge a series of roads in Kilminchy housing estate, Portlaoise. Since it was built...

Road conditions around Laois continue to dominate local politics, with pleas...

Road conditions around Laois continued to dominate local politics this week, with pleas for improvements to be made at locations around the county. Fine Gael...

Serious concerns raised over ‘shocking speed’ as motorists pass Laois GAA...

Serious concerns have been raised about the "shocking speed" at which motorists are driving past a Laois GAA ground. The matter was brought before the...

Changes to Housing Aid for Older People Grant ‘far too confusing’...

There has been serious opposition to changes in regulations to the Housing Aid for Older People Grant that means grants are no longer available...

Laois town plagued by ‘rampant dumping’ and ‘yobs’ causing problems, local...

A Laois town is being plagued by "rampant dumping" and "yobs" causing problems in the area. That is according to local Independent County Councillor James...

Planning permissions sought for new guesthouse in Laois town

Laois County Council are in the process of reviewing a recent planning application that would see new tourist accommodation developed in the county. A joint...

‘Spring into action’ – Registration open as Clean Up Laois Week...

Clean Up Laois Week makes its annual return at the end of the month, with the anti-litter initiative set to run from Monday, March...

€3.3 million Borris-in-Ossory courthouse development moves a step closer with tenders...

The planned transformation of the Borris-in-Ossoy courthouse will move a step closer next month when tenders are issued for the refurbishment of the landmark...

Planning: New AstroTurf pitch for Laois national school plus housing developments...

February was a slow month for major planning applications in Laois, especially compared to the high level of activity seen in January. However, there was...

Concrete spaces to be converted into soft landscaping areas to ‘introduce...

In an effort to "introduce more biodiversity" into urban Portlaoise, Laois County Council are to begin converting concrete spaces into soft landscaping. Fine Gael Councillor...

Laois County Council to call on government to introduce measures to...

Laois County Council is to write a letter to the government calling on it to introduce measures aimed at recruiting and retaining frontline staff. This...

Columbarium Wall request falls on deaf ears while uncut hedges cause...

A Laois County Councillor's request for a Columbarium Wall to be constructed in every graveyard in her district has fallen on deaf ears. Independent Councillor...

Plans for housing development at derelict Portlaoise filling station gets council...

Laois County Councillors have given their support for a private housing development on the site of an old filling station in Portlaoise. Planning permission has...

‘Contractors getting away with murder’ – Laois Councillor vents frustration as...

A Laois County Councillor has hit out of the Council's recruitment process as he called for two more outdoor staff to be hired. Independent Cllr...

Portlaoise residents ‘being held to ransom’ with footpaths, parking, kirbs, roads...

The long wait to have a Portlaoise housing estate taken in charge by Laois County Council could be about to end. Independent Councillor Caroline Dwane...

Laois county councillors agree to push on with apartments plan at...

The County Hotel was once a thriving hub of activity in the centre of Portlaoise but after lying idle now for the best part...

In Pictures: Laois Federation of Tidy Towns sets out ‘exciting future’...

The Laois Federation of Tidy Towns (LFTT) is an umbrella organisation that supports and connects Tidy Towns groups across Laois. The LFTT promote environmental sustainability...

‘Pop Up Don Phalaistín’ being considered as part of  Seachtain na...

Laois County Council are exploring the possibility of including 'Pop Up Don Phalaistín' as part of their cultural events for the Seachtain na Gaeilge...

Portlaoise Bus Service set to launch this Sunday with 42 stops...

The long-awaited Portlaoise Bus Service is set to launch this Sunday, February 23, with 42 stops along two routes. The National Transport Authority were in...

‘This in now an emergency’ – Laois town left waiting ‘far too...

A town in Laois has been left waiting "for far too long" to have their public roads "brought up to an acceptable standard." That is...

Applications wanted in Laois for ‘Adopt a Monument Scheme’

Community groups in Laois are being encouraged to apply to join the Heritage Council’s Adopt a Monument scheme which is all about empowering local...

Works at rural Laois cemetery ‘just makes sense’ and ‘would suit...

Exterior work to a rural Laois cemetery "just makes sense" and is "something everybody wants." That is according to Fine Gael Councillor Conor Bergin who...

Contractor responsible for public lighting in Laois ‘should be sacked’ local...

The contractor responsible for public lighting in County Laois "should be sacked" a local County Councillor has said. Fianna Fáil Councillor Paddy Bracken made the...

Record level of funding as more than €14 million allocated for...

Just under €14.5 million has been allocated to Laois as part of an national investment programme for regional and local roads. The total funding of...