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Tag: Joe Mallon Motors

Joe Mallon Motors Car of the Week: 191 Dacia Logan from...

This week’s Car of the Week from Joe Mallon Motors is a 191 Dacia Logan MCV SIGNATURE DCI. With a finance option in place, this...

Joe Mallon Motors Car of the Week: 191 Renault Megane from...

This week’s Car of the Week from Joe Mallon Motors is a 191 Renault Megane GT Line Blue DCI. With a finance option in place,...

LaoisToday continue arrangement as brand ambassadors with Joe Mallon Motors

LaoisToday have once again teamed up with Joe Mallon Motors Portlaoise to become brand ambassadors for the well-known local business.  LaoisToday have received a new...

Renault Zoe leading the way as electric cars here to stay

Did you know that in the first three months of this year there were more electric cars sold in Ireland than in all of...

Joe Mallon Motors Car of the Week: 181 Dacia Duster from...

This week's Car of the Week from Joe Mallon Motors is a 181 Dacia Duster Signature 1.5 DCI. With a finance option in place, this...

New Sales Manager appointed in Joe Mallon Motors in Portlaoise

Stephen Butler has recently been appointed as the new Sales Manager in Joe Mallon Motors Renault and Dacia dealership in Portlaoise. Stephen brings with him...

Be in with a chance of winning family trip to Disneyland...

The Renault SELECTION used car sales event is NOW ON in Joe Mallon Motors in Portlaoise where all cars sold will be entered into...

JOB VACANCY: Joe Mallon Motors are looking to hire Motor Service...

Joe Mallon Motors Ltd is a family owned and run business in Naas since the 1960s. Joe Mallon Motors has been selling Renault cars...

JOB VACANCY: Joe Mallon Motors are looking for Sales Executives

Joe Mallon Motors Ltd is a family owned and run business in Naas since the 1960s. Joe Mallon Motors has been selling Renault cars...

Age no barrier as Portlaoise grandmother thrilled with electric switch and...

A Portlaoise woman who has been driving for more years than she cares to remember recently made the switch to an electric car, a...

Bob Flavin: Renault started the people carrier trend and the Scenic...

We are currently in the middle of change with just about everything that’s happening is disruptive to all the old-school standards. Air BnB is hurting...

Huge VIP event in Joe Mallon Motors in Portlaoise is on...

Joe Mallon Motors in Portlaoise will be a very different place than usual this week as they host their exclusive Renault VIP Event 2017,...

LaoisToday come on board as Brand Ambassadors for Joe Mallon Motors...

It's an exciting time for the team at LaoisToday as we have recently become brand ambassadors for Joe Mallon Motors Portlaoise. LaoisToday have received a new 172...

In Pictures: Night of football talk, laughs and banter at Renault...

They talked, told stories, slagged, complained, made predictions and for the most part had the crowd of well over 150 in huge fits of...

Serious GAA lineup for panel discussion at Joe Mallon Motors in...

Joe Mallon Motors is one of Portlaoise's premier car dealerships but this Thursday it will have star attractions of a different nature as it...

WATCH: Down Syndrome Midlands fundraiser a massive success

There was an army of people taking part in the 52km fundraiser for the Down Syndrome Centre Midlands recently. Members of the Irish Defence Force...

A Portlaoise business is helping to organise a serious fundraiser for...

A massive fundraiser for the Down Syndrome charity will begin in Portlaoise next Wednesday morning, July 19. Joe Mallon Motors are the main sponsor of...