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Home Tags Dairy Farming

Tag: Dairy Farming

‘Laois-Offaly dairy sector facing into a devastating €100 million loss in...

An analysis by the Irish Creamery and Milk Suppliers Association (ICMSA) has predicted revenue losses for the dairy sector in counties Laois and Offaly. The...

Dairy farming thriving as milk worth €87 million for rural Laois...

The value of dairy farming to the rural economy in Laois has been highlighted from new figures released by Glanbia Ireland. The accounts for 2020...

In Pictures: Large crowds mooving along at the Bank of Ireland...

Bank of Ireland recently welcomed over 90 farmers to Bruce and Ian Thompson’s fifth generation dairy farm in Camcloon, Co Laois. The aim of the...

Massive increase in dairy cows in Laois as milk drive continues

The number of dairy cows has increased in Laois by almost 65% in the last eight years, according to figures recently released by Teagasc...