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Tag: Conor Bergin

€3.3 million Borris-in-Ossory courthouse development moves a step closer with tenders...

The planned transformation of the Borris-in-Ossoy courthouse will move a step closer next month when tenders are issued for the refurbishment of the landmark...

Works at rural Laois cemetery ‘just makes sense’ and ‘would suit...

Exterior work to a rural Laois cemetery "just makes sense" and is "something everybody wants." That is according to Fine Gael Councillor Conor Bergin who...

Local Councillor confirms beginning of payment under support schemes to Laois...

A total amount of close to €1.7 million is to be paid to farmers in Laois, local Councillor Conor Bergin has confirmed. The Minister of...

No luck for Conor Bergin as Taoiseach’s Seanad nominations are confirmed

Laois Fine Gael councillor Conor Bergin hasn't been included among the Taoiseach's 11 nominations for the Seanad. Bergin, who unsuccessfully contested the recent Seanad elections,...

Disappointment for Conor Bergin in Seanad Elections as hopes now rest...

Conor Bergin's hopes of winning a seat in Seanad Éireann now rest on the Taoiseach's picks after he was eliminated on the sixth count...

Explaining the Seanad Election as two Laois candidates challenging to win...

Two Laois candidates - Fine Gael's Conor Bergin and Sinn Féin's Maria McCormack - are hoping to be elected to Seanad Eireann as polling...

Laois Fine Gael councillor confirmed as Seanad candidate

Conor Bergin, a Fine Gael councillor in Laois for the Borris-in-Ossory/Mountmellick Municipal District, has been confirmed as a candidate in the upcoming Seanad elections. Bergin,...

Borris-in-Ossory-Mountmellick Municipal District not receiving ‘fair share’ of roads funding

The Borris-in-Ossory-Mountmellick Municipal District is being underrepresented in terms of roads and not receiving a "fair share" of the funding. That is according to Fine...

Council in Brief: Cemetery management, road safety, fire station facilities and...

It was a busy day in Laois County Council this week with the Borris-in-Ossory-Mountmellick Municipal District holding their November monthly meeting. The six Councillors in...

Local people are ‘living in fear’ nearby Ballybrophy Railway Station

Laois County Council have heard that local people who live nearby Ballybrophy Railway Station are "living in fear." That is according to Fine Gael County...

Changing of the guard as Fine Gael members set to choose...

A significant local political decision will be made this evening in the Killeshin Hotel in Portlaoise when the Fine Gael members in Laois vote...

Three in the race for Fine Gael General Election nomination as...

Three names have been nominated to contest the Laois Fine Gael General Election convention early next month. Councillors Conor Bergin from Borris-in-Ossory and Willie Aird...

Inclement summer weather leading to fears of flooding and road safety...

There has been no summer to speak of, with considerably more rain than is to be expected for the summer months. This has led to...

Conor Bergin officially puts his name forward to seek Fine Gael...

Laois Fine Gael Councillor Conor Bergin has announced his intention to put his name forward for the upcoming Fine Gael convention to select a...

Fine Gael set to wait until September to select General Election...

Fine Gael members in Laois have been told to be ready for a September convention, where they will decide who to run for the...

Conor Bergin: ‘People vote over the entire five years. They don’t...

Fine Gael’s Conor Bergin is one of six sitting Councillors who were all re-elected to Laois County Council in the Borris in Ossory/Mountmellick Municipal...

Local Election Podcast: 10 minutes with Conor Bergin (Fine Gael) –...

At 25, Fine Gael's Conor Bergin was one of the youngest elected councillors in the country in 2019. From Borris-in-Ossory, he is looking for a...

€3.3 million announced for redevelopment of Borris courthouse

€3.3 million has been secured for the renovation of the courthouse in Borris-in-Ossory to turn it into a digital hub. Local Fine Gael Councillor Conor...

Importance of roadside drainage system highlighted by Laois County Councillor

The importance of drains, road-side drainage and drainage maintenance was highlighted this week in Laois County Council. Fine Gael Cllr Conor Bergin made the passionate...

Public lighting under scrutiny with calls for contactors to be penalised

Public lighting in County Laois came under scrutiny again this week, this time at the April meeting of the Borris-in-Ossory-Mountmellick Municipal District. Fine Gael Cllr...

Improvement and safety works at rural Laois Church to be carried...

A rural Laois Church is set for improvement works after a local County Councillor raised the issue at the March meeting of the Borris-in-Ossory-Mountmellick...

Calls made for new welcome signs at Killasmeestia ‘to reflect the...

The small village of Killasmeestia - located about halfway between Borris-in-Ossory and Rathdowney - could be in line for new welcome signs if local...

“The village looks super, it is thriving – but we have...

A Laois County Councillor has called for improvement works to be carried out on a footpath in the village of Clough. Fine Gael Councillor Conor...

New signage unveiled for historic settlement of Aghaboe Abbey

After a long campaign, the historic Aghaboe Abbey has rang in the new year by welcoming new signage into the community. The initiative really sparked...

Local County Councillor calls for Hackney Pilot Scheme to be introduced...

A Laois County Councillor has called on the Local Hackney Pilot Scheme to be introduced in rural areas across the County. Fine Gael Cllr, Conor...

Water water everywhere – flooding issues reaching breaking point

A Laois County Councillor has put flooding top of his agenda at the November meeting of the Borris-in-Ossory-Mountmellick Municipal District. Fine Gael Cllr Conor Bergin began...

140% increase in Septic Tank Grants to benefit even more homeowners...

Homeowners dealing with failing septic tanks will be assisted with funding to carry out improvement works up to €12000 from January 1, 2024. The Septic...

Growing concerns for road safety issues in Castletown and Pike of...

Laois County Council have been urged to address the road safety issues at Kirwan’s cross on the L-1619 at Cuddagh, Castletown. Cllr Conor Bergin raised...

New Digital Hub to be developed at old Courthouse building in...

Laois County Council are in the process of adapting the former courthouse building and site in Borris-In-Ossory, to form a new digital hub. An architect-led...

Laois Councillor unhappy with County Council’s response to public lighting request

A local County Councillor has expressed his disappointment at Laois County Council's response to his request for public lighting. Cllr Conor Bergin was speaking at the...