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Home Tags Arthur Broomfield

Tag: Arthur Broomfield

Dr Arthur Broomfield to host Poetry Workshops at Laois Arthouse Stradbally...

Four poetry workshops have been announced by the Laois Arts Office which are set to begin today and will be hosted by Dr Arthur...

List of events announced for Laois Bealtaine Festival for older people...

Laois County Council Arts have partnered with the Dunamaise Arts Centre and Laois Library Service to present a selection of creative projects during the...

Subversive poet Arthur Broomfield likes to keep it surreal

Poets get away with murder. Arthur Broomfield certainly does. In this age of oppressive political correctness Arthur takes poetic licence and stretches it so far...

Leaves Festival of Writing and Music programme in Laois a real...

The programme for this year’s Leaves Festival of Writing and Music programme, the festival of writing and music is a real page turner. Celebrating the...

Jimmy Finn: Fond memories and anecdotes from the magic mile

Roger Bannister, who was the first person to ever run a mile in less than four minutes, died last week. Jimmy Finn, a legend...