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Tag: abbeyleix road

Process is underway for Laois County Council to take in charge...

The process is underway for Laois County Council to take in charge a series of roads in Kilminchy housing estate, Portlaoise. Since it was built...

€4 million contract signed for major road improvement on busy Portlaoise...

Laois County Council has signed a major €4 million contract to see a busy Portlaoise road upgraded. Council officials and elected representatives have appointed a...

Man arrested following incident on busy Laois road where five vehicles...

A man was arrested and charged with dangerous driving following a seemingly bizarre incident on Sunday afternoon. The incident occurred between the Renault garage and...

Effort to block apartments in Portlaoise development fails

Despite extensive objections from numerous residents in the area, Laois County Council have sanctioned plans for a new social housing development on the Abbeyleix...

Portlaoise roadworks set to stall for a further three weeks

The construction of the new ring road in Portlaoise has been hit with delays meaning the Abbeyleix road is to remain closed until October...