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Tag: 2025 Senate Elections

Disappointment for Conor Bergin in Seanad Elections as hopes now rest...

Conor Bergin's hopes of winning a seat in Seanad Éireann now rest on the Taoiseach's picks after he was eliminated on the sixth count...

Explaining the Seanad Election as two Laois candidates challenging to win...

Two Laois candidates - Fine Gael's Conor Bergin and Sinn Féin's Maria McCormack - are hoping to be elected to Seanad Eireann as polling...

Sinn Féin announce Maria McCormack as Seanad election candidate

Maria McCormack, the Sinn Féin candidate in the recent General Election in the Laois constituency, is to run for the Seanad as one of...

Laois Fine Gael councillor confirmed as Seanad candidate

Conor Bergin, a Fine Gael councillor in Laois for the Borris-in-Ossory/Mountmellick Municipal District, has been confirmed as a candidate in the upcoming Seanad elections. Bergin,...