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Portarlington Playground

Delay for replacement of equipment in Laois playground branded ‘unacceptable’

Frustrations at the delay in acquiring equipment to replace damaged and missing parts in a Laois playground were expressed at a meeting recently. The issue...
Pedestrian Crossing Stradbally

Calls to remove newly erected Laois pedestrian crossing ‘before someone is seriously hurt’

There have been calls to remove a recently installed pedestrian crossing from a Laois town 'before someone is seriously hurt'. The offending pedestrian crossing is...

Call for ‘green machine’ to be deployed in Laois town that is ‘destroyed with...

July and August are very busy times for farmers as corn has to be cut and straw from the fields has to be baled...

‘The Greens have this country destroyed but, in a few years, they will be...

The Green Party have come in for considerable criticism in the chamber of Laois County Council this year. A discussion on the new laws surrounding...

Council should have their own tractor and hedgecutter, area meeting hears

Laois County Council should invest in their own tractor and hedgecutter, rather than relying on contractors. That was the view put forward by Cllr Ollie...

AIB decision to implement cashless branches deemed an ‘out and out disgrace’

The decision of AIB to move a number of their branches to cashless was branded an "out and out disgrace" at a municipal district...
Hepburn Court

Laois County Council agree to construct 54 new modular homes in Laois town

The green light has been given to a project which will see 54 modular homes constructed in Portlaoise. The approval for the build at Hepburn...

Laois County Council elect new chairperson as Thomasina Connell takes over from Conor Bergin

Laois County Council has elected a new chairperson to lead the council for the next 12 months. At today’s AGM, Fine Gael’s Thomasina Connell took...
Scoil Bhride Knockmay

Call for safety works near Laois school to be carried out before students return...

A Laois County Councillor has called for safety works at a Portlaoise primary school to be carried out before children return in September. Sinn Fein...
domestic violence

Disappointment as still no site found for promised Women’s Refuge in Laois

Disappointment has been expressed as the search for a site for a Women's Refuge in Laois has been unsuccessful so far. In February, it was...
Derelict Sites Property

Growing frustration over derelict properties as register ‘not accurate’

A number of Laois county councillors expressed their frustration over derelict properties in the county - with the Derelict Sites Register labelled "not accurate,...
Simmons Mill

Roundabout sought at landmark Laois junction Simmons Mill

Calls have been made for a roundabout to be installed at the busy landmark Laois junction Simmons Mill. The junction is at the intersection of...
Tyrrell's Lands

Update provided on ‘Tyrrell’s Land’ with no development expected before 2025

No sod is expected to be turned on a major Laois County Council development until 2025 at the earliest. So a meeting of the Portlaoise...
Barry Walsh chairman Portlaoise Municipal District

Laois’s newest Councillor elected chairman of Portlaoise Municipal District

Laois's newest county Councillor has been elected as chairman of the Portlaoise Municipal District. Ballyroan native Barry Walsh was only co-opted as a Councillor in...
Cllr Paddy Bracken, left, elected as chairman of Borris-Mountmellick Picture: Julie Anne Miller

Bracken elected chairman of Borris-in-Ossory/Mountmellick district while hat-draw required for vice-chair

Fianna Fail Councillor Paddy Bracken has been elected as the new chairman of the Borris-in-Ossory/Mountmellick Municipal District. There are 19 Councillors in Laois County Council...
Ollie Clooney media

‘Support local media – support what’s good’ says Laois councillor

It's not often that the media come in for praise at a public meeting. More often than not they're being blamed for something. But at a...
Modular Housing Laois County Council

Laois County Council should ‘fast track … modular accommodation to address the housing crisis’

With the influx of Ukranian refugees and the unprecedented increases in housing waiting lists, emergency and direct provision accommodation, Laois County Council should identify...
Laois County Council

Council Briefs: CCTV request, Cycle to Work unfairness and Portlaoise footpaths

Council should take over electricity cost of community CCTV  There's not a month goes by where the various issues with CCTV don't raise their head...
M7 Motorway Cllr PJ Kelly

Calls for motorway lights to be re-instated – and electric school buses to become...

A Laois county councillor has called for lighting to be re-instated on the M7/M8 motorway at the entrance and exit lanes where they are...
Abbeyleix Hospital

Laois Day Care Centres set to re-open though frustration over delay to Abbeyleix facility

Three Day Care Centres currently not in use are expected to re-open in the coming weeks - though there is considerable frustration at the...
Aidan Mullins Laois County Council

‘I’ve better things to be doing than listening to this bullshit’

A Laois County Councillor walked out of a meeting in County Hall this afternoon when he told his fellow elected members “they should be...
Laois County Council Togher

Further land sold by Laois County Council at Togher as two companies seek to...

Laois County Council have sold a further 3.78 hectares at the Junction 17 National Enterprise Park at Togher in Portlaoise with two businesses paying...
Sulky Races

Sulky racing still endangering horses in Laois as bye-law review delayed

Three different State departments and Laois County Council are tied up in a review of the bye-laws on the Control of Horses. This, a meeting...
Laois County Council General

Full council retrofit budget needed to upgrade Portlaoise estate

It would take the council's full annual budget for retrofitting just to retrofit the 30+ houses in St Brigid's Place, with this Portlaoise estate...
Ballinakill school

Calls for ‘severe’ Balllinakill speed ramp to be reviewed

A speed ramp near a Ballinakill school is certainly slowing down traffic, but the ramp is so severe that the bottom of cars are...

Warm welcome for Woodenbridge restoration work though councillors not pleased over snub

There was widespread delight at a recent meeting of the Borris-in-Ossory/Mountmellick Municipal District with the news that the famous Woodenbridge between Ballacolla and Durrow...
Irish Water

‘Snail’s process’ of Irish Water delaying housing estates for years

The "snail's process" of Irish Water is holding up for years the taking in charge by Laois County Council of local housing estates. So it...
Portlaoise Leisure Centre pitch

Fence needed to protect Portlaoise pitch from pedestrians and cyclists

The grass pitch at Portlaoise Leisure Centre used by soccer teams from four counties may need to be protected with a boundary fence to...
Ryder Cup sign Laois

Time for Laois Ryder Cup sign to be binned

Golf's Ryder Cup took place in Ireland in 2006, in the K Club, at the height of the Celtic Tiger Boom. It returns to these...
Laois County Council General

Burnt-out houses in Portlaoise should be restored for people with disabilities

The renovation of two burnt-out houses in Portlaoise that were recently destroyed in a fire is a perfect opportunity for Laois County Council to...
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