Fr Paddy
Fr Paddy: August – the month to carry out the harvest and thanksgiving
Time and seasons come and go, so far 2024 seems to have moved very quickly, it's hard to believe, this week we begin the...
Fr Paddy: The value of doing the little things well
We live in extraordinary times; our world seems to be coming increasingly polemical.
Looking at live news commentary of Donald trump's attempted assassination seemed almost...
Fr Paddy: ‘Faith is the end result of a long journey, but makes the...
You don’t just wake up one morning, light streaming in from the window, birds fluttering about, and jump from your bed with exuberance declaring...
Fr Paddy: Where are all the Good Samaritans Jesus once spoke of?
The Good Samaritan
It was a lawyer who asked Jesus in the Gospel, "Who is my neighbour?" He was probably expecting a definition that would...
Fr Paddy: July – a month where many take the opportunity for rest and...
As we begin the month of July, I pray in the brightness of summer all our families will be blessed with health of body...
Fr Paddy: We have much to learn from our history, and yes, history has...
In many ways we have become desensitised to the horrors of violence, inequality and human suffering displayed on our screens every day.
Politics has become...
Fr Paddy: Behind every challenge, no matter how overwhelming it may be, there is...
I love the following humorous story…
“A wealthy man decided to go on a safari in Africa. He took his faithful pet dog along for...
Fr Paddy: God embraces vulnerability
Thoughts and continued prayers for all students currently sitting state exams.
I find it interesting, regarding people's recurrent dreams, top of the list are exams....
Fr Paddy: Church’s first Millennium Saint
Carlo Acutis was born May 3, 1991, in London, where his father was working.
Just a few months later, he moved with his parents, Andrea...
Fr Paddy: Summer – a time to enjoy
Time seems to be flying by. The academic year has almost come to conclusion in secondary schools and for third level students, a long...
Fr Paddy: 2024 Exam Time
In the last years of his life, the great cellist and conductor Pablo Casals suffered greatly from rheumatoid arthritis and emphysema.
At 90, he was...
Fr Paddy – Darkness into Light
The recent walk celebrating 'Darkness into light' has an important message in all our lives.
Whilst Darkness into Light raises significant funding towards those seeking...
Fr Paddy: Mary – Queen of May
The month of May, traditionally is associated with devotion to Mary mother of Jesus.
Mary holds such an important role, not just in the life...
Fr Paddy – Amazing Grace and a new prayer
After a long period of grey clouds and heavy rainfall, it was such a joy to welcome blue sky and sunshine.
I hope that farmers...
Fr Paddy – Finding God
We have become accustomed to bad news.
Images on our screens of immense burden placed on vulnerable people.
The horrendous conflict in the middle-East.
Recent flooding in...
Fr Paddy – Seeing Jesus in others
It is hard to go through a day without feeling negative towards someone who crosses our path.
It could be a flippant remark passed in...
Fr Paddy: Time to think – the wisdom of life
George Carlin at age 102, offered the following wisdom that is deeply relevant for us all.
If you don’t read this to the very end,...
Fr Paddy: Easter – A time to celebrate
“’Did you not know what the Holy one can do with dust?’
It’s a line from a poem for Ash Wednesday by Jan Richardson. In...
Fr Paddy: Easter – A Time of Grace
Easter 2024 has arrived very early. This is one of the earliest dates possible for Easter.
The great St Laserian established a particular way of...
Fr Paddy – St Patrick inspires faith
Saint Patrick's feast day is now a global event. The Irish diaspora, have contributed significantly to the four corners of the world.
In this regard,...
Fr Paddy – A Prayer in Gratitude for Our Mother
As I write this article, citizens across this Republic, are voting regarding the proposed amendments to our constitution.
One such article, is about removing the...
Fr Paddy: Authentic faith
What we can see we can achieve. What we can see in the depth of our heart and soul we can materialise in our...
Fr Paddy: Martin Luther King’s letter to white Church leaders
In 1960, Martin Luther King was imprisoned after leading a civil rights march. His dream seemed a long way off.
Criticised by white church leaders,...
Fr Paddy: Lent a Time to Grow
We live in an instant culture. Perhaps the greatest challenge of our time is to acquire the gift of patience.
We don't do waiting very...
Fr Paddy – Blessings on all who care for the sick
February 11, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes and also World day of Prayer for the sick.
Behind many hall-doors in our Parish and...
Fr Paddy: Giving our brains a rest from time to time can bring us...
The person who has probably done most in the Christian world to promote the idea of concentrating on our breathing as a form of...
Fr Paddy – Anniversary of St Brigid’s Day
This week we reach the midpoint of winter, marked by the cross-quarter day of Imbolc.
Traditionally, Imbolc begins at sundown on February 1 and continues...
Fr Paddy – The Last Priests of Ireland
Ardal O’Hanlon, played one of the most famous fictional priests of all time as Father Ted’s lovably dim Dougal McGuire.
He was hilarious, but there...
Fr Paddy – Reflect on the past, focus on the future
As we continue to make early footprints into 2024, already we see signs of brighter evenings and earlier mornings.
The small stretch, offers hope, early...
Fr Paddy – Happy New Year 2024
I pray that 2024, will be a blessed and healthy one for us all.
Every New Year brings with its expectation, uncertainty, hope and a...