Fr Paddy
Fr Paddy: Alfie Evans ‘A Sacred Life’
The world is mourning for Alfie Evans, a British two-year-old who this weekend passed away at Liverpool’s Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.
Alfie had an extremely...
Fr Paddy: ‘See the light of Goodness in all people’
The month of May, brings with it great beauty and certainly uplifts our spirits. As we begin this new month, take time to enjoy...
Fr Paddy: A time to vote No …
The forthcoming referendum on May 25th is fast approaching. A referendum, that calls us to reflect upon issues, that are often deeply sensitive, personal...
Fr Paddy: Remove ‘any fear of holiness’
Gaudete et Exultate
The third apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis’ pontificate, published recently is a call to holiness—simple and accessible, without being watered down or...
Fr Paddy: ‘We all respond to warmth and welcome’
We are at our best when we feel at home and at ease. This is the great Gift of the Risen Lord, just as...
Fr Paddy: Easter – ‘All is possible’
Easter 2018 brings with it a time of hope and new beginnings. Signs of continued economic recovery, growing employment bring with it a recovery...
Fr Paddy: A Time To Hope
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day, a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as...
Fr Paddy: Holy Week – a new day dawns
Next Sunday, March 25th, Palm Sunday, we begin Holy Week. Seven days, filled with Religious Symbolism and Rituals, from Washing Feet to Venerating the...
Fr Paddy: Lent – a time to pause
The cycle of liturgical seasons continues and now we find ourselves a over half way through Lent this year, days of reflection and remaking,...
Fr Paddy: Lent – a time to let go
As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a...
Fr Paddy: World Meeting of Families….
We can choose our friends but not our family. Truth is most families can be akin to the "Simpsons rather than the Waltons". Family is...
Fr Paddy: What lent is all about …
Lent brings with it a time of cutting back, which includes fasting and alms-giving. Lent in the Northern Hemisphere coincides with the Season of...
Fr Paddy: Ash Wednesday is for lovers
ASH Wednesday February 14th St. Valentine's Day, marks the beginning of Lent. Nothing says love like ashes!!!!!!!!! Traditionally, Lent brings with it a time...
Fr Paddy: Smile frequently …
During his address to the Roman Curia on the occasion of the presentation of Christmas greetings, Pope Francis affirmed, “A bit of good humor...
Fr Paddy: Spring … a time to begin again
If you have not yet done so find time in the next few days to look for the signs of spring in a garden...
Fr Paddy: Dolores O’Riordan – Iconic musical genius
Catholic musician Dolores O’Riordan, lead singer-songwriter of famed Irish band, The Cranberries, died unexpectedly at the age of 46, while in London for a...
Fr Paddy: ‘New rights’ that clash with traditional morality
At the start of a new year, the Pope dedicated his speech to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which will celebrate the 70th...
Fr Paddy: A Christmas Blessing
Joseph went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem… He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged...
Fr Paddy: Defending the Eighth Amendment
Christmas is upon us. Soon we celebrate the birth of a vulnerable baby, born into a fragile family.
A family who said "Yes" to life.
Fr Paddy: The Greatest story ever told……
About that time Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken throughout the Empire. This was the first census when Quirinius was the governor...
Fr Paddy: Homelessness is never normal
Another Homeless man living in a tent died in Ranelagh, this week. Citizens deprived of shelter and heat grow daily.
On these desperately cold winter...
Fr Paddy: Advent – A season of preparation for the coming of Christ
My recent book "All Will Be Well" is a personal reflection about my own life told through the lens of faith and hopefulness.
I'm delighted...
Fr Paddy: Potatoes, Eggs, and Coffee Beans – which one are you?
Once upon a time a daughter complained to her father that her life was miserable and that she didn’t know how she was going...
Fr Paddy: Portlaoise Midlands Hospital … An essential service
A recent public meeting regarding maintaining essential and lifesaving services, in Portlaiose General Hospital, was extremely well attended.
There was universal consensus, that Portlaoise Midlands...
Fr Paddy: Dismayed to see Advent Calendar with focus on cheap wine!
We are called to holiness.
It is quite amazing that we who have faith and believe we will live forever can sometimes allow ourselves to...
Fr Paddy: November 2017 A Time to Remember
November 2017 is a time to remember all our loved ones who have gone before us. Death is that challenging confrontation that reminds us...
Fr Paddy: Government homelessness plan doomed to fail
Housing is perhaps the greatest challenge this government faces. The chronic lack of social housing coupled with rising house prices intensifies the issue of...
Fr Paddy: Prayer – a sacred gift
In a growing secular world it seems much more Cool to do mindfulness as opposed to pray.
Last week the minister of education announced huge...
Fr Paddy: October … a time to Let Go
This week Portlaoise bid farewell to a wonderful friend of this Town, Hesh Mcormack.
One of his many gifts was his love of poetry. The...
Fr Paddy: Harvest … A time for thanksgivings
Harvest is from the Anglo-Saxon word hærfest, "Autumn". It then came to refer to the season for reaping and gathering grain and other grown...