Home Columnists Fr Paddy: First 25 years of new Millennium prove to be turbulent...

Fr Paddy: First 25 years of new Millennium prove to be turbulent chapter for humanity

Where does time go by? It’s hard to believe that it is now 25 years since the world anxiously embraced the new Millennium.

Now, we know the tech world did not implode but the first 25 years of this Millennium has proven to be a turbulent chapter in the history of humanity.

As Christians this is a year of jubilee a time to give thanks to seek justice and to share our common values that will enhance the lives of many.

Beginning the new year, we can all make resolutions perhaps the greatest ones are the simplest let’s not take love for granted, appreciate the gifts of health and well-being and be kind and compassionate as we reach out to others sincerely.

I pray that our pathway throughout 2025 will be one that is level and smooth.

I pray that 2025, will be a blessed and healthy one for us all. Every new year brings with its expectation, uncertainty, hope and a degree of anxiety. 2025, invites us to begin again.

The greatest gifts are really only appreciated when they are made vulnerable, particularly our health and well-being.

This time when we make resolution and prioritize, a fitting New Year’s resolution, is to safeguard our physical, mental and spiritual health.

Making time for ourselves, being good to ourselves, fuels our ability to reciprocate and share with generosity our gifts and talents.

Already the green shoots in our gardens and pathways celebrate that sense of new beginning. Christmas isn’t just something that happened, but its effects linger throughout the year.

I was greatly taken by the huge amount of people who made priority to coming to visit church this Christmas. I pray that the Lord will truly bless you with all what’s good throughout 2025.

New Year is often seen as an opportunity to improve ourselves or what we have. But while this can be a healthy practice, it is also beneficial to reflect on the blessings that we already have.

On New Years Eve, people around the world watched their clocks strike midnight and brought in the new year with fireworks, celebrations, and time with loved ones.

It seems like, at least for a little while, we were all united in our gratitude for another year of life. For many, a new year brings hope because it represents a chance for a new start.

All of us need a new beginning, a fresh start. The good news is that Jesus is with us along the way and turning our eyes to Jesus renews us every time.

As we begin a new year, we often desire change like weight loss or having a better work/life balance. These things are good; however, the change Jesus brings, impacts this life and the life to come.

He can change us on the inside in such a way, that everything becomes new. He brings a new beginning to how we see God and ourselves. He brings a new beginning to our purpose.

He may not change our problems, but he can help us overcome our troubles.

He may not change the way you look, but he will make you confident in the skin you are in. He may not bring back the person you lost, but he will comfort you so you can comfort others.

He is the Light and he knows how to chase away the darkness. We have a new beginning in Jesus. We do not have to wait another year to get our fresh start.

Our Jesus knows how to make everything new. Deep in the winter soil, already new shots of new life will soon spring forth and remind us that the light of spring is yet again in our midst.

So many inspirational people and agencies have responded with compassion and kindness to our most vulnerable at this time.

The fruits of new life anoint even the darkest most vulnerable wounds with a resilient courage and peace to continue and trust. As we begin 2025 may we embrace what is given to us all, the opportunity to Begin Again.

This New Year 2025, let us open our hearts and ears and receive what God has already given us. Let us experience his grace and love and deep peace. Happy new year.

New Year’s Prayer for 2025

The Jubilee Prayer

Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.

May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.

SEE ALSO – Check out all of Fr Paddy’s articles here