After a gap of three years, the Killeen Community Carol service will return this Thursday, December 22, in St Abban’s church in Killeen.
The Killeen Community Carol Service began in 1995 as a local children’s performance and later developed into an adult choir with the children’s choir from the local school performing as part of the carol service.
While the group have their stalwart members who have been involved from the beginning, they have also been fortunate to welcome new members each year as the group has developed and gone from strength to strength.
The success of the Christmas choir is owed to local musician, Aisling Carter, a talented music teacher who instils a real sense of enjoyment and appreciation of the music.
This is a special year for the choir, making a comeback after three years and they hope to honour and celebrate the memory of Joe Mahon, who sang with the choir for many years, including the last performance in 2019.
Perhaps the greatest strength of the choir is the spirit of community, enjoyment and fun!
We look forward to another musical celebration of the Christmas message this year in the beautiful St Abban’s Church in Killeen.
The service begins at 7.30pm and all are welcome.
SEE ALSO – Sadness at death of Fr Denis Murphy, parish priest of Doonane