Home News Community In Pictures: Stradbally lights up for Christmas

In Pictures: Stradbally lights up for Christmas

Christmas Stradbally

Stradbally is a picturesque little town at the best of times but this Christmas it’s particularly magical.

Thanks to hard-working efforts of a number of local committees and volunteers, the town is now beautifully lit up for the festive season.

Fundraising efforts across the community have been in full swing for the last couple of weeks and this evening the Christmas lights were turned on.

While there has been a large Christmas tree in Court Square for the past number of years this year an extra effort has been made and most of the town has been lit up.

Almost €7,000 was raised through a Go Fund Me page and this evening the lights were turned on.

And while social distancing guidelines meant it was a different event than you’d normally expect, there was still a lovely atmosphere in the town as Santa got a Garda escort up Main Street – while being drawn by horse and carriage himself.

Despite the cold weather and a particularly foggy evening, local photographer Ross Molloy was on hand to capture a selection of lovely images.

You can check them out in full below.

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