Home News BREAKING: ‘Do It For Dan’ organisers believe they have almost reached €2.1...

BREAKING: ‘Do It For Dan’ organisers believe they have almost reached €2.1 million goal

Do It For Dan

49 days after the Do It For Dan campaign was launched – organisers believe they have almost reached their €2.1 million goal.

This is a truly stunning feat all in aid of little Dan Donoher, son of Niall and Aisling, who is just one year old.

The GoFundMe Page has now gone above €1.7 million but organisers believe that when all the ongoing fundraisers come to an end, they will have reached the overall goal.

And the end result will be that little Dan Donoher will be able to get the life-saving treatment that he needs.

Organisers say: “We’ve almost done it for Dan!!! This is unbelievable!

“To anyone about to commence fundraising activity, thank you sincerely for your support and for the work you have done but we ask that you please hold on progressing activity as we are currently totalling all funds raised and believe we have reached our goal.

“To all of the amazing clubs, families and fundraisers who are in the midst of their activity, please give it one last push to make sure we get over the line!

“With current live fundraisers close to completion and with direct donations we believe we have DONE IT FOR DAN!”

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