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News in Brief: €3.5 million travel grants, Laois Greenway project, Second Hand Acquisitions Programme and Laois ‘a blackspot for child disability services’

€3.5 million for Active Travel Projects and Bus Stops for Laois

€3.5 million has been allocated to Laois for Active Travel Investment Grants and Bus Stop Enhancement Works for 2025 by the National Transport Authority.

The fund will be focused mainly on a large number of pedestrian and cycle lanes across the county.

€3 million of the funding has been allocated for three schools – St Paul’s, Mountmellick, Emo National School, and St Fiacc’s National School, Graiguecullen.

The remaining €500,000 has been specifically allocated for the Bus Stops Enhancement Programme.

“This funding is to encourage more walking and cycling and the use of local bus services throughout the county,” Fianna Fáil TD Sean Fleming said.

“I look forward to these improvement works being implemented as soon as possible, for the benefit of people throughout Laois.”

€50,000 for Laois Greenway project

€50,000 has been awarded to Laois County Council for a Laois Greenway development from Abbeyleix to Portlaoise.

This allocation will be used to support the development of high-quality walking and cycling facilities at this location.

€325m approved for Second Hand Acquisitions Programme

Laois County Council will be able to purchase more homes lived in by tenants owned by a landlord who
wants to sell the property, Fine Gael TD Willie Aird, has said.

Cabinet recently approved an additional €265m capital funding in 2025 for the Second Hand
Acquisitions Programme.

€60m had been allocated under Housing for All, which will bring the total funding this year to €325m.

The scheme is designed to buy homes from landlords looking to sell, where the tenant was at risk of entering emergency accommodation.

This increased funding will allow for significant acquisitions in priority categories such as Tenant in Situ Acquisitions, exits from emergency accommodation and more.

“This important scheme allows local authorities to purchase homes lived in by tenants owned by a
landlord who wants to sell the property,” Deputy Aird said.

“Tenant in Situ acquisitions have helped prevent vulnerable households becoming homeless and there is a clear need to continue with such acquisitions into 2025 where it is the only option available to prevent exits from HAP and RAS supported tenancies in the private rental market into emergency accommodation.

“The introduction of mandatory eligibility criteria for the scheme will also prioritise families in need,
persons with a disability and older people.”

Laois described as a ‘blackspot for child disability services’

Laois Independent Republican TD Brian Stanley, speaking in the Dáil, described as a “blackspot for child Disability Services.”

Deputy Stanley raised what he called “the chronic situation in Laois with the lack of staffing” in Child Disability Network Teams (CDNTs).

The Independent Republican said the HSE’s staffing figures are “shocking,” adding that it is putting “enormous pressure” on families.

“Occupational therapy is 33% staffed and 67% vacant. Speech and language is 46% staffed,” Deputy Stanley said.

“Physiotherapy is 50% and these are the three critical disciplines, as I understand it, for children who are on the autism spectrum.

“If you go down to therapy assistants, there are zero levels of staffing. Dietetics, zero, behaviour therapists, incredibly are zero.

“For children who badly need services and who have autism, ADHD, dyspraxia or a range of other disabilities, the services are not there.

“These children are missing out on assessments, therapies and crucially on care at a crucial stage in their development.

“Early interventions equal better outcomes but late or no interventions leads to huge problems later in life.

“A particular problem in Laois is that there is only a third of Occupational Therapy posts filled, with some of the other ones outlined, and some posts have no staffing whatsoever.”

SEE ALSO – LoveLaois Podcast: The Friday Panel joined by tillage farmer, brewery owner and now TV star – David Walsh-Kemmis