Home We Are Laois From the Archives: Planning Permission granted for new residential development in Portarlington

From the Archives: Planning Permission granted for new residential development in Portarlington

Laois County Council Housing

Planning permission was granted in May for the completion of a number of housing estates in Portarlington. 

Laois County Council have awarded planning permission to Kingscroft Developments Ltd for a residential development in Cooltederry, Portarlington.

The development is to comprise of 67 homes of two and three storeys in height, on a three-hectare site in the town.

The proposed development will fully complete the unfinished Castlelea, Gandon, and Landsdowne estates.

The breakdown of homes is as follows:

  • Six two-bedroom terrace dwellings,
  • 23 three-bedroom terrace dwellings,
  • 18 three-bedroom semi-detached dwellings,
  • Two three-bedroom detached dwellings,
  • 16 four-bedroom semi-detached dwellings,
  • Two four-bedroom detached dwellings; all

The development incluses car parking, boundary treatments; private and public open spaces; hard and soft landscaping; roads; and pedestrian walkways.

Permission has also been awarded to Simpsons Paper Shop for a total redevelopment of their premises in Stradbally.

The development will see the current shop layout converted in the following six aspects:

1. Erection of a flat roof, two storey extension to rear of shop to accommodate a bakery storage, canteen, lockers, stairwell and lift shaft.

2. To alter site boundaries to include an existing shed.

3. Change of use of shed to retail.

4. Change of use from retail to retail with ancillary use as an off licence.

5. Change of use from storage to office and lavatory for portion of existing first floor of shop.

6. Change existing first floor access door to a window on front façade and all associated and necessary site works.

Icolater Ltd Simon Stokes are in the planning process for a project in Abbeyleix, with a decision expected next month.

The proposal is for McEvoy’s Bar and Restaurant, a protected structure on the town’s Main Street.

The application is to change the of use from premises from a Bar and Restaurant to a Guest House on the ground floor.

SEE ALSO – Check out all our top stories from our 2024 Remembered series here