Home News Community Woodenbridge Paddlers raise €3,000 for new Centre for Autism in Rathdowney

Woodenbridge Paddlers raise €3,000 for new Centre for Autism in Rathdowney

The Woodenbridge Paddlers have made a wonderful donation of €3,000 to support the new Centre for Autism in St Fergal’s College, Rathdowney.

Representatives from the group presented the cheque to school Principal, Ms Carole Devine along with other college staff on Saturday, September 14.

The money was raised during the Woodenbridge Paddlers paddle challenge from Boston to New York which was held in August.

The 14k Challenge started at Boston from under the M8 Motorway Bridge on the River Erkina, continuing by the Woodenbridge, by Bishopswood, Castle Durrow before reaching the broken weir and the rivers confluence with the Nore at Course.

Paddlers continued on by the Tallyhoe Bridge before crossing the Tin Weir, passing Ankers Island to descend the New York rapids until coming to a conclusion at the site of the old Ass Mills.

This latest challenge marked 25 years of organised paddling by the Woodenbridge Paddlers.

During that time, their members and friends took part in many other fundraising events which have raised significant sums of money for several extremely worthy causes.

Following the presentation on Saturday evening, celebrations of the past quarter century of paddling continued at Tuohy’s Bar, Rathdowney.

The organisers would like to thank all who took part and supported this fundraising event.

They also wish the staff of the school well in their efforts to provide the college with such a fantastic facility.

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