Home News Community €465,000 allocated for 16 Laois Community Projects under Community Climate Action Programme

€465,000 allocated for 16 Laois Community Projects under Community Climate Action Programme

€465,000 has been allocated to Laois County Council for Laois community groups under the Community Climate Action Programme.

This Government funding will support a wide variety of organisations, from sports clubs to tidy towns to local enterprise groups.

It will enable them to pay for measures that they feel will improve their communities, save energy and money or support their members.

Local Laois groups will be allocated funding for different projects such as energy upgrades, retrofitting, development of community gardens and parks.

The news was welcomed by Minister for State at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Sean Fleming.

He said: “Community groups and volunteers do great work in our local areas, and this funding also recognises this hard work by further investing in projects.

“The finalisation of each allocation is underway and I would encourage each local group below to make sure they respond to Laois County Council as soon as they are contacted by them.

“The Laois projects that are in line for funding are listed below. The final allocation for each project will be confirmed as soon as possible.

“This total funding will be ring-fenced for Laois projects.”

The list of projects and what the money will be used for can be found below:

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