Home News Fine Gael Convention: Willie Aird to contest General Election

Fine Gael Convention: Willie Aird to contest General Election

Willie Aird will contest the next General Election as the Fine Gael candidate following this evening’s party convention in Portlaoise.

His selection came after the surprise withdrawal of Conor Bergin, who had been formally proposed and seconded. Paddy Buggy had withdrawn at the start of the convention and endorsed Willie Aird.

Party members from across the county came in their droves. Over 370 members were eligible to vote. A huge proportion of them were in the Killeshin Hotel.

This was a big occasion: the first time for Fine Gael to send someone forward as their lead General Election who wasn’t a Flanagan, following Charlie Flanagan’s decision to retire.

“I am honoured to have been selected this evening to contest the General Election for Fine Gael in Laois,” said Willie Aird in his speech, referencing his experience as an elected representative going back to 1979.

“I have served as a Fine Gael public representative since 1979, and I am committed to continuing my work for the people of this constituency.

“Accessibility and accountability are the cornerstones of effective representation and I have always made it my priority to be available to hear peoples’ concerns.

“As a farmer and longtime councillor, I understand the challenges facing our community and have a proven track record of delivering real results.

“If elected to the Dáil, I will work tirelessly to advance Laois as a hub for job creation, ensuring our county becomes a business, industrial, and tourism base for the Midlands.

“I will also advocate for better infrastructure, including improved roads and transport, to meet the needs of our growing population. 

“Housing remains a top priority for me, and I am committed to ensuring access to private, social, and affordable housing, along with the necessary health and education services that go with it.

“Supporting working families, enhancing disability services, and improving youth and recreation facilities will also be at the forefront of my work.

“I will continue to advocate tirelessly on behalf of farm families, ensuring the future of agriculture in Laois. I will be eager to lead that charge in the Dáil.

I have a clear vision for the future of Laois, one that is built on prosperity, sustainability, and inclusivity for all. I look forward to getting out on the doors, engaging with constituents and the high energy campaign ahead.”

Fine Gael have now chosen 39 General Election candidates in 26 constituencies.