Home News Community An Bord Pleanála reject plans to construct proposed 13-wind turbine farm in...

An Bord Pleanála reject plans to construct proposed 13-wind turbine farm in Laois

An Bord Pleanála has rejected the planning application by Coolglass Windfarm Ltd to erect 13 major wind turbines in Laois.

This proposal intended to construct thirteen 180 metre high wind turbines between The Swan, Wolfhill, Luggacurren, Fossy, and Timahoe areas.

The application proposed for a windfarm and related works in the townlands of Fossy Upper, Aghoney, Gorreelagh, Knocklead, Scotland, Brennanshill, Monamantry, Coolglass, Crissard and Kylenabehy.

This proposal had been strongly objected to by Laois County Councillors back in 2023.

Minister for State at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Sean Fleming, welcomed the news.

He said: “This is an area not suitable for wind farms, as set out in the Laois County Development Plan as ‘an area not open for consideration’.

“The independent Planning Regulator and the Minister both agreed with this decision in the Laois County Development Plan.

“In my opinion, this left An Bord Pleanála with no other option but to reject this application, deeming the area not an appropriate location for a windfarm.”

The Laois TD has called on the developers not to appeal the decision or to reapply.

He said: “This is good news for the local communities in the area and I would ask the developers to pack up their bags, go away and not contest this decision or reapply.

“I support renewable energy, but this must be located in suitable areas.

“For instance, I supported the Gortahile Windfarm in Laois some years ago, as it was in a proper location.

“It is good to see this windfarm producing renewable energy for many years now.”

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