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Pavan scores a maximum as Portlaoise College students gather for Leaving Cert results

Portlaoise College was filled with joy and excitement today as students celebrated their Leaving Cert and LCA results.

While students can receive their results online, the sense of community built amongst the group meant many chose to come to the school to celebrate and share the excitement with their peers, parents and staff.

This year’s results kept with the trend of exceptional results with many students passing the 550 point barrier and Pavan Sachin Polassery of Portlaoise achieving the maximum of 625.

Pavan, speaking with Mr Daly, said he plans to study Physics in UCD.

The celebration began at 11 am with the school’s Guidance Department present to support the students.

Principal Noel Daly expressed his pride in the students.

He said: “The staff and management at Portlaoise College are delighted for our students, and we extend our heartfelt congratulations to them.”

As students enjoyed some refreshments in the school, Mr Daly added that “Results day is a celebration of the years of graft and dedication by our students and staff, with the unwavering support of their families.

“While not trying to single any area out as excellent results were achieved across the board he did note the outstanding achievements in Maths, the Sciences and DCG.”

It was an exceptional year for Mr Daly in more ways as his son Liam received his results.

He said: “Liam is delighted with his results and is looking forward to studying Agricultural Science.”

The LCA students also excelled, with the majority earning distinctions and merits.

Mr Daly: “The overwhelming feeling among the students is one of pride in their accomplishments, and they are now looking forward to their futures, whether that involves third-level education, apprenticeships, or further education courses.

“Whatever their future holds, the doors of Portlaoise College are always open to them.”