Home Lifestyle Electric Picnic Favourites, advice, frustrations and routine – the LaoisToday team look forward to...

Favourites, advice, frustrations and routine – the LaoisToday team look forward to Electric Picnic

What’s your favourite thing about Electric Picnic?

Steven Miller

I’m not a massive music head and the joke in the LaoisToday office is that of the many acts announced for Electric Picnic every year, I generally haven’t heard of most of them.

But I do love the good-humoured atmosphere of it and meeting so many local people. The walkabout we do on site on Friday is invariably a hilarious couple of hours.

I’m also a massive fan of the range and quality of food options and unfortunately can’t avail of them all.

Alan Hartnett

Where to start. I suppose my favourite thing about it is that it is IN Stradbally. I often joke that if Electric Picnic was in Portlaoise, I probably wouldn’t go.

I have never been to Forest Fest in Emo for example! The sheer handiness of having a music festival in the town in which you live is unreal. I can walk to and from the site everyday. I can sleep in my own bed, eat breakfast every morning and shower in my own shower!

The craic you have, the people you meet, getting to dance and sing for a weekend in front of incredible music acts is right up there too obviously!

Emily Miller

The atmosphere. I love strolling around and just soaking it all up.

Mark Comerford

I am a Picnic virgin, this will be my very first year!

The Saw Doctors

What acts are you looking forward to seeing most?

Steven Miller

The Saw Doctors. I missed them last year as we’d to leave to relieve our baby sitter. But I’m looking forward to seeing them on the main stage this year on Saturday evening. I love their music, their lyrics and their West of Ireland phrases and sense of humour.

I love too that their songs are about Ireland but they don’t resort to, as the great historian Paul Rouse describes as, ‘entrepreneurial patriotism’.

Having said that I’m also intrigued to see The Wolfe Tones on Sunday evening. I enjoy their music, if not some of the stuff around it. Their surge in popularity is bizarre.

They probably wouldn’t have been considered for the festival ten years ago and now they’re on the main stage on Sunday and absolutely stole the show last year.

Alan Hartnett

There is a couple. On Friday, I am looking forward to seeing Jazzy. On Saturday, Calvin Harris should be absolutely amazing.

I missed the Wolfe Tones last year so I can’t wait for them on Sunday and then Kylie. Kylie Minnogue is playing in Stradbally. Madness.

Emily Miller

Obviously, the LT QuizCast will be the place to be Friday afternoon – I’m looking forward to seeing the lads battle it out.

I’m really hoping to see Teddy Swims and would love to catch Amble. Kylie will have to be seen. Gerry Cinnamon, Darren Kiely, Noah Kahan and Deirdre O’Kane are also on the list along with trying to get back to Mindfield for a couple more of the podcasts.

Bit of a mixed bag there but that’s what it’s all about.

Mark Comerford

Faithless and Kasabian.

Have you any lesser-known acts you’d recommend?

Steven Miller

I hardly know the main acts, never mind some of the lesser-known ones. The Timahoe Male Choir, perhaps? Sunday at 2.30pm in Hazelwood!

Timahoe male voice choir

Alan Hartnett

I do largely like mainstream acts but maybe there is a few that people might not know that I will list here. Loreen won the Eurovision twice for Sweden with Euphoria and Tatoo. She plays Rankins Wood on Saturday at 7.45pm.

There are two acts then on Sunday worth checking out who both play in the Electric Arena. At 3.30pm, Darren Kiely is on. He’s Irish, from Cork, and has been building a following in recent years. After him, at 4.45pm, Dean Lewis is next. He’s Australian and has songs like ‘Be Alright’ ‘Waves’ and ‘Half A Man’ that people will have heard on radio.

Emily Miller

Amble – I don’t know if you could say lesser-known but they’re a recent discovery for me.

Mark Comerford

Roadhouse Doors – a Doors tribute band who’ll be playing the Survivor Bar and Stage on Friday.

What’s your Electric Picnic weekend schedule like?

Steven Miller

Friday is by far and away the busiest day and even more so this year as LaoisToday are on stage – at 2.40PM IN AH HEAR IN MINDFIELD – with a special live episode of our QuizCast.

In recent years, a motley crew representing the LaoisToday team have done a walkabout around the site getting photos of local people. This represents a huge element of our coverage as it really captures the atmosphere of the event and is in keeping with the ‘Quality, Live, Fun’ ethos of LaoisToday.

For me, it is a working weekend for the most part though a hugely enjoyable one. On Saturday, my wife Emily and I will bring in our three children – William (9), Lillian (6) and John (2).

John has never actually missed an Electric Picnic in his entire life, having been there as a 10-week-old in 2022. His highlight was meeting Matt Cooper and Miriam O’Callaghan!!

The kids love the entertainments – bumpers, big wheel etc – and also the Little Picnic which is a seriously good set up. Whatever way the acoustics of the whole thing is, you’d barely know you were only a couple of hundred yards from the main stage.

It’s gas too to see a game of soccer, primarily with kids from Stradbally, Vicarstown, Timahoe and Ratheniska, on the front lawn of Cosby Estate.

On Sunday, I’ll go to the press briefing with Festival Director Melvin Benn in the media area which is always a good interview. The pressure is off at that stage and he often has some interesting things to say.

Ideally I’ll stay in the press area to type that up and publish or schedule a couple of stories from it. The press area is located to the right of the main stage. It’s useful for storing things, charging the phone and good toilets while there is also a bar and additional food offerings.

You’ll generally spot one or two minor celebs but there’s not a whole lot of craic in there.

Alan Hartnett

Because we are performing on Friday at 2.40pm, it starts much earlier than usual! Typically, I would go in around 6pm on Friday and stay until the last act finishes on the Main Stage.

Saturday is my long day as I will go in early enough and finish when Calvin Harris stops around 1am. Sunday will be the same and I’ll leave after Kylie.

Emily Miller

Fairly hectic until Sunday evening when I can hopefully chill and enjoy.

Mark Comerford

Roadhouse Doors, Jazzy, Nas and Faithless on Friday. Kneecap and Kasabian Saturday. Sleep it off on Sunday.

What if any changes would you like to see made to the festival?

Steven Miller

I wouldn’t change a whole lot from the festival itself. It’s a wonderful event and a brilliant weekend.

But I would like to see Stradbally and the wider area benefit more from it. For the sheer scale of it, I feel the local communities should be getting more – or making more from it.

If Electric Picnic finished up in the morning, what legacy would it leave? Is there one facility or business in the area that wouldn’t be there only for EP? That is a shame given that there 70,000+ in attendance every year for the past 20 years.

That may change in the future and hopefully so as the efforts to develop a community centre in Stradbally is being driven by a very genuine, quality group. Melvin Benn’s commitment to match what the community raised is very fair.

Also, while local residents pay a small fee for their day tickets (which, for the past couple of years is being ring-fenced for community projects), it would be great if those tickets were weekend tickets.

For those very close to the site, there is a fair degree of disturbance and the option to buy a maximum of two day tickets per household isn’t much of a concession.

Alan Hartnett

Many people like to complain about things but I’m not one of those. I love Electric Picnic and hope it stays in Stradbally forever. Perhaps in the future we could stretch it out to a fourth day and start on Thursday?

Emily Miller

It’s not a change really but I wouldn’t like to see it get any bigger. I think you can only see so much over the weekend anyway so I’d rather focus on quality.

It also does have an impact on the locality, happily enough impacted for the most part, I think but an impact all the same.

Mark Comerford

More rock, less pop.

Any tips for Electric Picnic first timers?

Steven Miller

Wear comfortable shoes/boots. There is a fierce lot of walking. And bring plenty of money.

Alan Hartnett

Have a decent pair of shoes, bring warm clothes for night time as it can get cold and leave all your inhibitions at the door when you walk in. Electric Picnic is a magical place where anything goes! Enjoy it and do so safely!

Emily Miller

Get your footwear right – there’s a lot of walking. I feel ancient having typed that … also, put an “if found” message as the screensaver on your phone so if you do lose it, you might have a better chance of getting it back.

Mark Comerford

I am one, so all tips are welcome!

SEE ALSO – Forge: The Laois/Carlow four-piece Indie rock band who are all set for Electric Picnic