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First for Mullins as new agreement sees Sinn Fein Councillor elected chair for the first time

Aidan Mullins Laois County Council

After the drama and exchanges in the County Council chamber this morning, it was all very amicable this afternoon.

After the Portlaoise Councillors clashed over the way the chair and vice-chair was decided, those sitting in Graiguecullen-Portarlington have brokered a deal.

Unlike in Portlaoise where Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have a majority of four to three over the technical group, things are even here.

Fianna Fail’s Paschal McEvoy and Padraig Fleming are joined by new Fine Gael Councillor Vivienne Phelan.

In 2019, they were joined by Aisling Moran but she left Fine Gael and returned as an Independent where she is now joined by Sinn Fein’s Aidan Mullins and fellow Independent Ben Brennan.

So that means that the vote would be split 3-3 if the Councillors voted as they did in the full council last week and lots would have to be drawn to determine the winner – as happened in the final year of the last term when Ben Brennan was elected.

To avoid that, a deal has been struck that each group will get two chair and two vice-chair positions over the five years.

It is likely that lots may be drawn in the final year of the term to see who will take the positions then.

But for the next year, Sinn Fein’s Aidan Mullins will be the chairman of the Graiguecullen-Portarlington District.

Cllr Mullins was proposed by Independent Aisling Moran and seconded by Fianna Fail’s Paschal McEvoy.

Cllr Moran said: “Aidan has been a great support to us as Councillors over the years on a range of different issues.

“He is always courteous, honest and on more than one occasion, has given me sound advice.

“Aidan works for the people of this Municipal District regardless of political persuasion which makes him an excellent leader.”

Cllr Mullins said: “Thanks to everyone for the kind wishes and I am delighted to take the role.

“Thanks to Aisling for the kind words and it is great to hear that you acknowledge all the advice I give you – hopefully this year, you might actually start listening to me,” he joked.

He added: “It is great to see that we came together as a team and agreed the positions for the term.

“There is no arguments or dissent and fair play to everyone concerned.”

First elected in 2014, this will be the first time that Mullins has served as chairman.

Newly elected Fine Gael Cllr Vivienne Phelan, who was roundly welcomed by all her colleagues, will act as vice-chair for the next 12 months.

She was proposed by Fianna Fail’s Paschal McEvoy and seconded by Padraig Fleming.

Cllr Phelan said: “Thanks very much to everyone and can I just say a big thank you to everyone for the last two weeks.

“Thanks to the elected members who have really given me a hand and shown me the ropes. I really appreciate it and look forward to working with you all.

“There are plenty of strong voices in the room but I have no doubt we will all work together for the betterment of our areas.”

SEE ALSO – “I don’t need any lessons from a school teacher” – Sparks fly as Portlaoise Municipal District meets for the first time