Home News Community Students at Ratheniska National School complete inspiring 3km run challenge

Students at Ratheniska National School complete inspiring 3km run challenge

Over the last six weeks, students from Third- to Sixth-Class in Ratheniska National School have undertaken the challenge of completing a 3km run.

The students were out running each Monday, Wednesday and Friday in preparation for the big run.

The senior classes divided themselves into groups and progressed at their own pace each week in the lead up to running the full 3k distance.

On the run, students went off in different waves with a focus on completion, improvement and participation rather than winners.

At the Junior end of the school, students cheered on their schoolmates and then completed their own 1km run.

In all, over 200 students and teachers participated on the day with everybody enjoying the mornings activity.

“A huge thank you to the Parents Association who provided plenty of fruit and drinks for tired runners,” the school said.

“A big thank you also to parents who helped to Marshall different parts of the course to ensure everybody got around safely.

“When finished, each of the 3rd-6th Class students received a hoodie as a reward for their hard work over the 6 weeks and completing the 3k run.

“Many thanks to all of the staff in the school who helped to prepare the students for the run.

“We are already looking forward to next years event.”

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