Home News Council Padraig Fleming voted in as Cathaoirleach as new council term gets underway

Padraig Fleming voted in as Cathaoirleach as new council term gets underway

Padraig Fleming was voted in as the new Cathaoirleach of Laois County Council for the next 12 months at today’s AGM in what was the first meeting since the Local Elections earlier this month.

Unlike the regular monthly meetings, there wasn’t room to swing a cat in the council chamber this afternoon as family members, friends and supporters of the returning councillors crammed into the viewing gallery.

Cllr Fleming, a native of The Swan who has been a councillor since 2009 and was returned for a fourth time at the elections, was joined by his wife Catherine and an assortment of other supporters as the chain of office was place around his neck by the outgoing chairman, his Fianna Fáil colleague Paschal McEvoy.

It is the second time for Cllr Fleming to assume this role, having previously held the position in 2017-2018.

With the support of Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael – who have agreed a power-sharing arrangement in the council as they have done since 2014 – as well as Durrow-based Independent Ollie Clooney – Cllr Fleming defeated Independent councillor James Kelly by 12 votes to seven.

Fine Gael’s John King from Rathdowney was elected as vice-chairman, defeating Independent Ben Brennan by the same margin.

In his speech as outgoing chairman, Cllr Paschal McEvoy thanked those who had made his year so fulfilling – and also had a word of welcome for the two newly-elected members, his fellow Stradbally councillor Vivienne Phelan (Fine Gael) and Portlaoise Independent Tommy Mulligan.

“We worked hard and I would like to think we made a lot of progress. I always did the best I could.

“There are 19 councillors and while we all have different ideas and different agendas and we fall out some times, we are all working for the better of our communities and for the betterment of our counties.”

He was widely praised by his council colleagues. “You very fair, very progressive and you showed leadership at all times,” said Cllr Willie Aird.

“I want to congratulate you on achieving the county’s highest honour. You did a wonderful job,” said John King.

“You dealt with issues with ease and I have great respect for you as a person,” added Barry Walsh.

“We had our ups and downs and some good debates but you always chaired it well,” said Ben Brennan.

Cllr Marie Tuohy praised him for his ‘courtesy at all times’, comments that were echoed by Cllr Caroline Dwane-Stanley.

“You’re a great community man. Take a bow, you have done a fabulous job,” added Cllr Ollie Clooney. “We might not always see eye to eye, but you were a very fair chairman,” said Cllr Aisling Moran.

Simon Walton, the acting CEO of Laois County Council, said “you worked extremely hard. It was a very progressive year. You managed the meetings very well and gave everyone a fair go. You were a pleasure to work with you for the fair way you dealt and engaged with the staff.”

And with the baton, so to speak, handed over to Cllr Padraig Fleming, it was time for the praise to be afforded to the new Cathaoirleach.

Leading the way was John Joe Fennelly, who had the “great privilege” of doing the nomination.

Cllr Fleming said he was “deeply honoured” to take on the role and “will carry out the duties to the best of my abilities”.

With that duty done, it was on to the meat and bones of the business of the meeting – confirming who was serving on what committees.

In all there were 27 committees to be filled, with Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil taking the majority of the roles – though they did accede to the seven-person technical group on some positions.

Those present in the chamber got to experience a small sample of the back-and-forth debate of the council as the technical grouping (comprised of the two Sinn Féin councillors, one Labour and four of the Independents), sought roles on the various committees.

In under an hour and a half, the business was done and dusted.

The three individual Municipal Districts will meet later this month.

We will publish the full breakdown of the various committees at a later date. 

SEE ALSO – Check out all our 2024 Local Election coverage here