Home News Council James Kelly: ‘I’m buzzing but exhausted, if that makes sense. I have...

James Kelly: ‘I’m buzzing but exhausted, if that makes sense. I have been working very hard on the canvas, and it’s been a long haul’

Independent Cllr James Kelly was comfortably re-elected to Laois County Council earlier this week, returning to the Borris-in-Ossory-Mountmellick Municipal District on the 7th count.

The Mountrath Councillor generated a ground-swell of support in his home town and the surrounding areas, as there was when he was elected in 2014 and 2019.

With the count drawing to a close, Cllr Kelly sat down with LaoisToday to talk about the experience:

“It’s all down to transfers, and I’m delighted and proud to get the number of votes from the tally that I got,” he said.

“I’m buzzing but exhausted, if that makes sense. I have been working very hard on the canvas, and it’s been a long haul, and you look at the area that we have as well, it’s a huge area.

“But being Independent, it meant that I could go anywhere, and that can be, in a way, a good thing; but then it can be really taxing and you get fatigued fairly quickly as well.

“However I have great support from the team that I have as well.”

Cllr Kelly’s vote fell slightly from five years ago, but he says he is “very happy” with the numbers:

“I’m very happy with the vote and I knew that I would lose a few votes,” he said.

“But you must also remember that there was a big campaign for the leading candidate (Conor Bergin). And that was good, because it was something that we could chase as well.

“I still get as much enjoyment as I have done since I was elected in 2014. I really do love it and it’s something I really enjoy.

“And I really like engaging with the Council staff as well, because we have to mention them here today from all the work that they’ve been doing since Friday.

“They’re all great people and they will always try and help out. Whether you’re an older County Cllr that’s been there for a number of years, or you’re a new candidate and a new Cllr, they’ve going to give every help possible.”

James Kelly 

Looking ahead, Cllr Kelly continues to show signs of ambition as he looks at the possibility of a political career beyong Laois County Council.

“There’s probably greater support than ever for independent candidates,” he said.

“There’ll be a general election in the next six months. I might consider throwing my hat in the ring, first of all, there is the rise of independents.

“There were issues on the door, there were issues on the door, from the health services to migration and to housing. When I say housing, we are very good at providing social housing at the moment.

“I’ve met couples who are there and they’re in rental accommodation. Two of them have jobs; hey find it very hard to raise the deposit and utility bills going out to the roof. What hope is there for them?

“So that is something that we need to go for as well. But to answer your question, am I thinking of going for the next general election?

“We’re going to hold off on that decision until we get through these next couple of days.”

You can listen to the episode in full below:

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