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Picture Our Future: Exhibition showcasing Laois Climate Action at Portlaoise Library throughout June

Karen Moore, Laura Dunne and Aisling Brennan

Picture Our Future, a unique and engaging free exhibition, is set to run at Portlaoise Library throughout June, blending art and climate action communication in an interactive experience designed for public participation.

Laois County Council, in partnership with Ireland’s Knowledge Centre for Carbon, Climate, and Community Action (IKC3), recently concluded a groundbreaking course titled Systems Innovation for Sustainable Enterprises and Communities (SISEC).

This course, focused on the Portlaoise Low Carbon Town Project, bringing together participants from various organizations and businesses across Laois over three months.

The course empowered local participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to address sustainability challenges within their communities.

It taught how to apply ‘systems thinking’ to tackle local climate change issues collaboratively and for the long term.

When Learning and Art Collide

Throughout the course, artist Oisin McGann employed a technique called graphic recording to create a unique visual record of the participants’ learning journey.

This process inspired a new set of illustrations by Oisin, exploring climate challenges and forms a major part of the Picture Our Future exhibition.

Oisin collaborated with fellow artists Laura Dunne and Aisling Brennan to creatively interpret the achievements and future plans for the Portlaoise Low Carbon Town Project.

The Resulting exhibition invites visitors to explore Laois climate action through a series of illustrations by Oisin and informative pieces by Aisling, all showcased in the heart of Portlaoise Library.

Interactive Workshops and Community Engagement

In addition to the exhibition, there will be free, interactive workshops for all age groups. These workshops will guide visitors through climate actions—big or small—that they are passionate about, using ‘systems thinking’.

Another workshop focus will be on capturing complex ideas in a simple, visual, and engaging manner.

For more information or to book a workshop space, visit https://tinyurl.com/5n7jwwks or email portlaoiselibrary@laoiscoco.ie or call 057 86 22333.

“Creative Ireland Laois are delighted to support the Picture Our Future Exhibition and workshops,” said Bernie Foran, County Librarian and Creative Ireland Coordinator.

“Exploring how the arts can be used to promote dialogue and action around Climate Change in ways that are provocative and engaging is an essential part of this transformational process.”

Suzanne Dempsey Climate Action Coordinator Laois County Council, on the inclusion of creative communication, added:

“By integrating art and systems thinking, we can make complex climate challenges more accessible and relatable. This approach fosters greater community involvement and drives meaningful positive change.”

Laura Dunne, Artistic Director, said: “Collaborating on this project has been a rewarding experience.

“The illustrations and workshops are designed to inspire and empower individuals to take actionable steps toward a sustainable future.”

More on the Creative Team

Oisin McGann is a best-selling and award-winning writer and illustrator.

He has produced dozens of books for all ages of reader, including twelve novels, in a range of genres, as well as the non-fiction book, A Short, Hopeful Guide to Climate Change.

In 2014 and 2015, he was the Irish writer-in-residence for Weather Stations, and the only illustrator, on an EU-funded project where writers from five different countries were tasked with finding ways to use storytelling to raise awareness of climate change.

He has carried on this work through school residencies in primary and secondary schools, funded by Poetry Ireland and Irish Aid’s WorldWise Global Schools.

For the exhibition, Oisin graphically recorded the process of learning during the Systems Innovation for Sustainable Enterprises and Communities course.

His drawings are available to view as a numbered trail that takes you on the journey of the course over 10 large boards. During June Oisin will facilitate a series of workshops accompanying this exhibition.

Laura Dunne is a creative arts worker based at Dunamaise Arts Centre, a multi-disciplinary Arts Centre in the heart of County Laois.

Laura’s professional background covers both Science and Psychotherapy, as well as a dedicated career in the Arts Sector, uniquely placing her to deliver accessible, creative communication of ideas and information, for a diverse range of audiences.

Laura’s passion is centred around designing socially engaged creative projects, working closely with artists and audiences, and using data information to bring creativity and communication to life.

For the exhibition, Laura worked closely with the artists and the Laois County Council Climate Action Team. Laura has designed a series of visual communication boards as a backdrop to the work of the artists, Oisin and Aisling.

Together, Aisling and Laura have designed installation elements for visitors to enjoy and to engage with the climate actions Laois County Council have accomplished and further climate action projects, both active and planned.

Aisling Brennan is a mixed media artist and enjoys experimenting with different materials she encounters.

Aisling is experienced as an Art Therapist and as Chairperson of the Irish Association of Drama, Art and Music Therapists. Currently Aisling is exploring the use of natural materials in art.

She draws on her personal surroundings and experiences and expresses these through creativity.

For the exhibition Aisling enjoyed learning about Community Climate Action and expressing it through colour, form, shape and textures.

During June Aisling will facilitate a series of workshops accompanying this exhibition. These workshops are open to people of all ages and will offer an opportunity to explore on a deeper level the climate action that’s happening in Laois and engaging participants to be part of the future of Portlaoise as a Low Carbon Town.

Heather Roche is an Irish designer and artist. She studied design for stage and screen in the Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dublin.

When not making installations, she works in costume for film and creating buildings and décor for festivals. Heather is inspired by nature “Nature has always been my biggest inspiration and how we connect with it.”

Laois County Council sponsored a town wide waste characterisation study on what type and amount of rubbish is found during Portlaoise Tidy Towns litter picks, and the Tree of Trash artistically captures the results.

“Sometimes my work is rubbish, as I strive to upcycle and be sustainable,” Heather said.

The Tree of Trash is a multi-media installation based around a tree of life, created using litter collected by to represent the leaves.

SEE ALSO – Count by count: Working through the candidates in Portlaoise with seven seats to fill