Home News Community In Pictures: Portlaoise College and Knockbeg College host Sixth Year graduations

In Pictures: Portlaoise College and Knockbeg College host Sixth Year graduations

The school year for secondary level students came to an end on Friday for all those bar the ones doing state exams.

In Portlaoise College and Knockbeg College, graduation ceremony for their Sixth Years took place recently.

Portlaoise College 

Portlaoise College recently celebrated its Leaving Cert and Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) graduation, an event marked by a blend of reflection and anticipation.

The theme, “Life is like a movie, write your own story,” served as a guiding motif throughout the ceremony, encouraging students to approach their futures with creativity and purpose.

The ceremony was enhanced by musical performances that added a special touch to the night.

Wiktor Stankiewicz opened the evening’s proceedings and delivered a piano performance, while Erin Harrison, accompanied by Pavan Polassery on piano, provided a harmonious musical interlude.

Mr Daly, building on Mr Murphy’s earlier address, urged students to “see it through.”

He highlighted the importance of perseverance and resilience, encouraging graduates to face future challenges with determination and confidence.

He also reminded students that even when their exams have finished, the Portlaoise College community is there to support them and to always feel able to call in for advice or support.

The ceremony also featured addresses from head boys Aidan Donaghy and Nicolae Ceban, and head girl Sorina Stratu.

Their speeches reflected on their time at Portlaoise College and offered words of encouragement to their fellow graduates.

As the students of Portlaoise College prepare to embark on the next chapter of their lives, the graduation ceremony served as a reminder of their potential to shape their own stories.

All the staff at Portlaoise College would like to wish them all the best in their upcoming State Exams.

Knockbeg College 

Knockbeg College held a Graduation Mass and Ceremony for its Leaving Cert students recently, with students donning the latest formal wear instead of their usual uniform.

Fr Dunphy celebrated Mass, with many 6th year students singing or playing music which added greatly to the occasion.

Principal Mr Carew remarked on how there was such a strong bond between this cohort of students.

This was clearly evident through their student-led initiative which raised over €12,000 for the Breast Cancer Research Institute, as one of their peer’s Mother had been affected by the disease.

Mr Carew congratulated on their graduation, and wished them the very best of luck in their upcoming exams and into the future.
