Over 90% of patients admitted to Midland Regional Hospital Portlaoise say they had ‘a good, or very good experience of care’.
The findings are contained in the 2021 National Inpatient Experience Survey, which has just been released.
The MRHP achieved rankings that were above average in each of the categories surveyed.
This included how patients were dealt with on admission, their care on the wards, and in terms of how staff managed their discharge and transfer to other hospitals.
Patients also reported high levels of satisfaction when it came to the overall cleanliness of their hospital room or ward, with the vast majority reporting that staff treated them with respect and dignity, during their stay.
Commenting Olivia Lafferty, Quality Risk & Patient Safety Manager at MRHP said: “A number of areas for improvement were identified as a result of last year’s survey, including communication between patients and staff.
“We have used the 2021 results to develop quality improvement initiatives, to ensure patients’ priorities are addressed.”
To continue to improve, MRHP has just launched its National Inpatient Experience Survey for 2022.
Eligible patients who have been discharged from the hospital during the month of May 2022, will receive an invitation in the post to participate in the survey.
They can respond online or by post and will be asked about their recent stay in order to find out what is working well and where improvements can be made.
The results will then be carefully scrutinised by management and staff at the hospital who will respond by introducing initiatives to make things better for patients.
According to Michael Knowles the General Manager of MRHP: “The results of our most recent survey, with 90% of our patients saying the care was good or very good is testament to the hard work and commitment of the dedicated staff at MRHP.
“Many of the comments from patients in this report acknowledge the great care and support provided to them, by our staff.
“I am asking patients to complete the 2022 survey, so we can continue to listen, respond and improve.”
Trevor O’Callaghan, Group CEO Dublin Midlands Hospital Group (DMHG) said: “Across all the hospitals surveyed, there was a constant reference to the care and compassion shown by staff.
“To this end, I wish to thank all staff for their commitment to the provision of high quality healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“I would also like to thank staff who engaged whole heartedly with the survey by encouraging patients to participate and then by working diligently on quality improvement initiatives to improve services.
“Finally, I wish to sincerely thank the patients who willingly gave of their time to provide insight into their experiences in relation to their hospital care.”
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