A fine attendance assembled in Newtown Mill recently for the AGM of the Woodenbridge Community Alert.
The gathering were given an update on the Community CCTV project and prospect of now having a possible launch date in January 2022.
On the text alert all were praised for their continued reporting of suspicious activity in the area.
Disappointment was aired at the lack of progress on The Erkina Blueway Project.
A suggestion to launch the “Save The Woodenbridge Campaign” was met with huge enthusiasm.
This has come about following an inspection of the bridge by an outside agency which suggests that the Woodenbridge be replaced by a concrete structure.
The “Save The Woodenbridge Campaign” will be launched in the near future.
The meeting concluded with Christmas refreshments for all.
The following officers were elected:
Chairman: Michael G Phelan
Vice Chair: Kevin Galvin
Secretary: Liam Geoghegan
Assistant Secretary: Pat Dollard
Joint Treasure: Ann Marie Browne and Michael Broderick