Home Jobs All the recent job vacancies as advertised on LaoisToday

All the recent job vacancies as advertised on LaoisToday

Jobs in Laois

There are a number of jobs in Laois being advertised on LaoisToday at the moment.

Below we have listed all of the roles advertised on LaoisToday in the last two weeks. In each instance you can click through to the full job description to read more.

The Gandon Inn

Daybreak, Gandon Inn – Numerous roles

Daybreak at the Gandon Inn, Emo, Portlaoise are currently looking to fill a number of roles including part-time deli assistant and a full-time shop assistant/cashier.

See full details here. 

DNG Kelly Portlaoise

DNG Kelly – Office Administrator

DNG Kelly are seeking a professional and motivated administrator/receptionist for their flagship office in Portlaoise.

The successful candidate will work in collaboration with the sales team handling enquiries, booking appointments, maintaining databases and general office administration.

See full details here. 

Dunnes Gala

Dunne’s Gala Shop – three positions

Dunne’s Gala shop on the Abbeyleix Road in Portlaoise currently have three positions to fill.

  • 2 Deli Assistants
  • 1 Full time Carwash Attendant

See full details here. 

SuperValu Abbeyleix

SuperValu Abbeyleix – Numerous roles

Following a major investment, SuperValu Abbeyleix are delighted to be creating 10 new positions in our store including the following

  • Deli Supervisor: Previous experience required
  • Baker – Previous experience required
  • Deli assistants – No experience necessary
  • Shop floor assistants – no experience necessary

See full details here. 

Kilminchy Hair Design – part-time hair stylist

Kilminchy Hair Design are looking for a bubbly energetic part-time hairstylist to join our fun and friendly team.

The successful candidate should be qualified and confident in all types of hair styling, cutting and colouring.

If you would like to advertise a job vacancy, get in touch with LaoisToday by calling 057 8670722, 085 7180700 or emailing info@laoistoday.ie

SEE ALSO – Check out the dedicated jobs section on LaoisToday