The latest edition of the Healthy Ireland Survey will be launched by the government.
This is the seventh such survey in the history of the state and participants will be asked about their views and behaviours regarding a wide range of health-related issues.
The Survey will be conducted by Ipsos MRBI, an independent market research and polling company, which has been commissioned by the Department of Health.
From today, the Department of Health and Ipsos MRBI will issue letters to randomly selected households across the nation, inviting them to take part in the Healthy Ireland Survey, 2020-2021.
The letters ask those selected to call the Survey number and to complete a questionnaire by telephone.
They will be asked about topics such as smoking, alcohol consumption, diet and nutrition, the ways in which they use different health services and other topics relevant to health and our health services.
The Healthy Ireland Survey is conducted as part of Healthy Ireland, the National Framework for action to improve health and wellbeing of people living in Ireland.
Healthy Ireland’s vision is one where everyone can enjoy physical and mental health and wellbeing to their full potential.
The data collected is being used to inform current and future policy direction and programme development and implementation.
Publications from previous waves of this survey can be found on the Department of Health website,
The results of this Wave of the Survey will be published in 2021.