The students and teachers at Holy Family Senior School had a very special guest last week.
Operation Transformation’s Dr Eddie Murphy, from Portarlington, called in to talk to all the boys and girls about mental health.
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class students assembled in the hall for a wide ranging discussion on mental health.
The students and teachers at Holy Family Senior School are preparing to release a CD in aid of suicide prevention charity Teac Tom.
‘Tomorrow’s a New Day’ will be officially launched on Friday March 6 in the Nano Nagle hall on the Holy Family Campus at 7.30pm.
Back in term one, the students and teachers chose songs with a positive message in an effort to promote positive mental health.
All classes and the staff took part in the project and began practicing their songs under the guidance of 3rd class Mr Billy O’Brien.
Check out some great pictures from Dr Eddie’s visit below:
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