The Back to School photos never fail to disappoint.
And Alf Harvey’s archives have once again thrown up some absolute gems.
We dipped into his September 2004 files this week and the photos from the first week of that months provided gold once again.
Alf did his rounds of the primary schools in Portlaoise and no doubt many of our readers will spot someone they know.
Although it’s 15 years on, there’s the usual cuteness overload with many of the kids posing brilliantly on their first day in school.
Alf visited Knockmay, Sacred Heart, St Paul’s and Maryborough this time 15 years ago and got brilliant photos everywhere he went.
You can check them all out below.
There’s some absolute classics.
Picture: Alf Harvey.
Picture: Alf Harvey.
Picture: Alf Harvey.
Picture: Alf Harvey.