On Friday, June 28 the Durrow Community Bike Hire Scheme was officially launched at the square in Durrow.
The scheme was launched by the newly elected Cllr Olliver Clooney.
The Durrow High Nelly Club was there to assist with the launch.
It is thought that this unique new venture could bring a tourism boost to Laois.
The Irish Country Roads and Culture Trails is the brains behind this project.
It is a group set up by people in Durrow who are also involved in events like the annual Bulfin Heritage Cycle.
They believe cycling has a great tourist potential in Durrow.
Alf Harvey photographed the launch.
Picture: Alf Harvey.
Picture: Alf Harvey.
Picture: Alf Harvey.

Picture: Alf Harvey.
Picture: Alf Harvey.
Picture: Alf Harvey.
Picture: Alf Harvey.
Picture: Alf Harvey.
Picture: Alf Harvey.
Picture: Alf Harvey.
SEE ALSO – Closing date nears for tenth anniversary community and unsung hero awards