Fine Gael TD for Laois and Kildare South and Chairman of the Fine Gael Parliamentary Party, Martin Heydon, has received an update from the Minister for Education and Skills regarding Coláiste Íosagáin.
The major building project at the school is at stage one of architectural planning which entails preliminary design of site and location suitability and initial sketch scheme.
Deputy Heydon said: “Following a number of meetings with management and staff at Colaiste Iosagain facilitated by Cllr Tom Mulhall, I have pushed for progress on a new school building for the Portarlington school.
“I still believe this is the best solution to the capacity issues in the town. This week I received an update from Joe McHugh, Minister for Education and Skills, on his plans to provide for additional school places at Colaiste Iosagain.
“A revised stage one submission, including an up-to-date cost plan, was requested from the Design Team following increase in the schedule of accommodation to cater for up to 1200 pupils.
“That submission has been received and a review has been completed with comments for action issued to the School and its Design Team.
“A further proposal to increase provision to 1300 has been accepted by the school.
“The Design Team has been instructed to provide an initial sketch scheme for a 1300 pupil school and to submit it to the Department of Education and Skills for review.
“Professional fees have been agreed with the Design Team members for this additional task.
“Following this review the Department will then be in contact with the Board of Management of the school with regard to the progression of the project.
“I will continue to liaise with the school, Cllr Mulhall and the Minister for Education to ensure that progress continues as quickly as possible on the provision of additional space for the school.”
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