The annual Barrowhouse 5km race took place yesterday evening with a large crowd taking part.
The rain stayed away just long enough for everyone to enjoy a nice evening.
There were two hundred finishers on the night and the school would like to thank everyone who took part and the volunteers.
The 5km race was tightly fought with St Abban’s Stephen Hunter beating clubmate Brian Kelly on the run in.
The first lady home was Breda McDonald of Ballyroan AC and her sister Kate McDonald took second.
The first juvenile male was Ray Kavanagh and first juvenile female was Kate Wall – who is a student in the school.
Everyone enjoyed some healthy refreshment in the hall afterwards.
School principal Pauline Lawlor would like to thank everyone for their support and said she was delighted that so many people got involved in the school’s active week.
Thanks to Cathy Lawlor for sending these brilliant photos our way.