Minister for Justice Charlie Flanagan has pledged that Portlaoise Hospital will be saved and will not be closed.
The Fine Gael TD made the comments following a meeting between him, Minister for Health Simon Harris and the two other Laois based TDS – Brian Stanley and Seán Fleming.
He said: “Minister Harris is far from happy with the process of engagement on the future of services in MRHP.
“I was very happy to arrange the meeting with Minister Harris which allowed the three Laois TD’s to get the opportunity to come together and convey to the Minister for Health the deep sense of unease and anxiety right throughout the midlands on the matter of this leaked report.
“A good positive meeting was held this morning. It was a case that the Minister for Health was not briefing the three TD’s, it was the other way around.
“I went to great lengths to express the feeling of the people from County Laois and the people from around the midland towards the leaked plan.
“As I have said on a number of occasions, I fundamentally disagree with this leaked report.
“The alternative plan authored by the Laois GPs is a far better plan and I believe it’s contents are very much on the table. I wish to acknowledge local expertise and acknowledge the input of local stalk holders in devising this plan
“Throughout the meeting, Minister Harris was really anxious to point out, something that I have pointed out on a number of occasions that the HSE is not the Government and this is not a Government plan.
“Portlaoise hospital is going to be saved. It is not going to be closed. This Government is not in the business of closing hospitals.
“Why would a Government set out take hospitals away from people. Portlaoise is different. It cannot be a model two because of its maternity and its maternity is not going out of it.”
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