Home News Attempts underway to avert school bus place shortage

Attempts underway to avert school bus place shortage

Efforts are underway to ensure that a school bus shortage crisis for Laois students does not emerge again this year.

Cllr Tom Mulhall has been in contact with the Department of Education school transport section to ensure that students are not told at the last minute that they have no school transport.

This has previously happened to parents who have paid their fees with the understanding that their child had secured a place, only to find out days before school returns that no space is available for them.

“This is an issue every year and I am doing all in my power to not let it happen again this year,” Cllr Mulhall said.

“I have written to the school transport department in relation to this and have also been on to Minister Charlie Flanagan to make representations on this,” he said.

“Every year, just a week before children go back to school, they find out that no place is available to them and their child isn’t eligible for a seat,” he said.

He said this occurs, despite parents applying for a place in May and paying the Department of Education Transport system by July.

Parents are often told that there is a school closer to them and their children are not eligible for a place on the bus to a school of their choice.

“I am calling on the Department of Education transport section to provide transport for all children,” he said.

Often, 6-8 children are left without transport at the last minute for their preferred school.

“There were no seats on buses in recession times but we are entering better, and hopefully more stable times and I hope transport can be provided for all children whose parents are working and paying taxes, and they are not let down again,” Cllr Mulhall said.

He said in some instances, younger members of a family were not eligible for school bus places, even though their older brother or sisters had previously qualified.


He said it can be a very stressful situation for parents and pupils to find out late in the day that they will not be getting the place, as expected.

He urged the transport section to put on two medium-sized buses, rather than one large one, if this ensures that the required seats are available.

The Post Primary School Transport Scheme supports the transport to and from school of children who reside not less than 4.8 kilometres from and are attending their nearest post-primary education centre/school.

SEE ALSO – All of Wednesday evening’s GAA results