The organisers of the 2017 Laois Rose Selection night are issuing a final shout out for girls to enter this year’s competition.
To enter, please get in touch with Steve Cronly 086 2505791 or Lyn Moloney 083 4631611 or www.roseoftralee.ie/apply.
The Laois Rose selection night will take place on Sunday, April 30 at the Portlaoise Heritage Hotel where there will be a night full of entertainment, glamour and above all great fun as we find out who will represent Laois at the Dome in Tralee 2017.
Roses will appear on stage to speak with MC Brendan Hennessy and get an opportunity to do a party piece of their choice if they so wish. All applicants have been meeting for the past number of weeks, and attended lots of events from bowling, to having cocktails and afternoon tea in the Portlaise Heritage Hotel.
The MC on the night will be KCLR’s sports presenter Brendan Hennessy, who has a long affiliation with the Laois Rose.
The musical director on the night will be Dale Hennessy. There will be prizes for ‘best dressed lady’, ‘best dressed man’ and ‘best banner’, as well as a raffle with lots of nice prizes to be won. The roses have the pleasure of being paired with a ‘Rose Bud’ on the night, who are young local girls aged between 4-10.
Lyn Moloney , Laois Rose co ordinator commented that “the Laois Rose selection will be one of fun and entertainment will be a life changing experience for one lucky girl”.